Discovering our purpose in life can be one of the most challenging things to be faced with. Day to day we are lead by an unconscious drive to fill a void that requires fulfillment through our deepest passions. But how do we become aware of what our deep passions are, which will lead to our purpose? It’s difficult to know as we often sit with what gives us comfort resulting in a facade of happiness, rather than going after a challenge that is often more meaningful, substantial and fulfilling. The things that lie outside of our comfort zone are those that we should be chasing, but often more than not, we go against them and strive for those things that fulfill our base needs for survival; as much as we need that, it is not all there is to life. Those experiences that call you most are the ones you’re most likely to succeed in, however, what often keeps others back is their belief in themselves. So how do we move forward? Let’s take it step by step by asking ourselves some questions to discover our passion and apply it to purpose.
1) What energizes and ignites you most? What makes the world slip away from you?
2) What issues or causes do you care about most?
3) Which of your traits and attributes seem to stand out most?
4) How have your own life events equipped you to serve others?
5) Where am I most effective, efficient and productive?
6) What are you willing to struggle for and what would you be greatly upset over if you never tried, even if you were to fail? Alternatively, if you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you like to do most?
7) What does your ideal life look like?
8) What is a passion/dream that you’re scared to take the jump into? What stops you?
9) Coming from an outsider’s perspective, how would you think one would achieve it?
10) Breaking it down into steps, what would be the first goal to hit?
11) Breaking it down into many steps, what would be the checkpoints that would show you are on right track to your dream?
12) Could this passion become a purpose so that it can given back to society? How so?
13) Look at this from from other people’s perspectives. What would an outsider be looking for in relation to what you have to offer? What can you provide to them and what would set what you apart from the rest?
14) What could you take from others perspectives to better serve your understanding of where to go next? Such as, do you have any friends or family that have navigated this before that can give you innovate tips for how to get there?
15) What barriers do you or will you face?
16) If you were to imagine now, what will the number one most difficult situation you will face be and if you fail, how will you navigate it to eventually prevail?
17) What is your greatest fear in acquiring what you want most? How does this hinder you?
18) What is your greatest strength and how can you apply it to better help achieve your passion and purpose?
19) What is your greatest weakness and how could it challenge you in your quest to your end goal? Can you reconstruct it in a way that will better serve you? If not, what would you rate your greatest weakness in terms of ability to sway you from where you need to be? If it’s a higher number, how can you bring it down? Will it require routine, check ins or someone to remind you of your path to the finish line?
20) What pleasant activities could help revive you and keep you on track when you’re feeling less than motivated? Would meditation or refection help?
Know that when times appear tough, move forwards with greater strength – what you want most is within reach and living in your purpose will revive you to a whole other level.